Kiddy Grade: December 2010 Archives

As part of their ongoing relationship with Kadokawa, Crunchroll have started streaming Kiddy GiRL-AND (along with Mushi-uta and Cosplay Complex)

All episodes are already available to premium members, with 3 episodes (one for Cosplay Complex) available to regular users, with the rest rolling out on a weekly basis. All three series are available in North America, South America, United Kingdom, Ireland, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Netherlands, Portugal, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Middle East and Africa.
Unfortunately, while Kiddy GiRL-AND was animated and broadcast in HD and has been released on Blu-Ray in Japan (without English subtitles), the highest resolution available on Crunchyroll is 480P.

What they say:

500 years in the future, in Star Year 0379, the bright and cheerful Ascoeur and the slightly more serious Q-feuille work for the galactic government known as GTO. Actually, the pair are members of ES, a branch of GTO for secret agents with superpowers...well, more like trainees at ES...or at least they were.... A thrilling SF adventure brought to you with Keiji Gotoh and the staff who gave us KIDDY GRADE at the helm, and joined by the team from the up-and-coming Satelite production studio, who made a name for themselves with the TV Anime Macross Frontier.

Thanks go to Scott VonSchilling and DiGiKerot on Twitter.


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This page is a archive of entries in the Kiddy Grade category from December 2010.

Kiddy Grade: March 2010 is the previous archive.

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