I'm going to watch through this again so I'll be back with more detail and hopefully screencaps later, but I'll start with some brief notes (spoilers, naturally)
The 'Mafuyu' that's been mentioned is actually Manatsu, she reappears and introduces herself as Manatsu's older twin, but I guess she was just messing around?
Basically, Manatsu and Kai come back to say goodbye. Saya shows that she does have a caring side. The two return to the mirror making it whole again, and there's a lot more mirrors where that one came from. The episode ends with Ichika's 15th birthday, on Christmas day, and she dresses in a cute Santa suit:) (her mother left, presumably to visit her father, at the start of the episode so it was just Michiru, Satsuki and Keiko celebrating her birthday with her)
Episode starts the same as the first episode, with Ichika getting dressed and monologing. It's her birthday on Christmas Day (tomorrow?). She still has Manatsu's shard of mirror in a drawer, along with her notebook and bubble wand which she has a go of (little continuity error here as they left the wand in the drawer even though she's using it). I should also mention that the backgrounds and scenery are bautifully done, with lots more still shots of real landmarks and signs thrown in. After the credits she meets up with the three stooges, and Keiko and Satsuki surprise her by saying they've seen Manatasu about town which should be impossible.
After that she goes to the airport to see off her mother (presumably going to visit her husband wherever he went to work at the end of the series) who apologises for being away for her birthday and christmas. Cue flashback to seeing off Sei on his departure to Germany, where (after a tactful withdrawal by her mother) they both display their shards and Ichika get's a kiss on the forehead.
[apologies for still not ahving finished this, keep falling asleep in the evenings. Matthew has blogged the epsiode in the meantime]
Just want to remind you that your image plugin doesn't realy work in Firefox. (at least that's how I see it) Perhpas you want to re-install the hack.
I tested it in firefox and someone else tested it for me as well and it worked ok :\
It wasn't a hack I installed, I have to code it manually.
[edit]Oops, looks like I broke it at some point sorry, fixed now (I hope)[/edit]