December 2008 Archives

Gocky Club 23 (Winter 2008)


Since my last entry more information has been added to the Gocky Club site in the form of a page detailing his plans for Comiket 75. As well as more details on the calendar (more below), there will after all be a new Gocky Club (gokikura) release. As far as I can determine the main contents will be genga from his work during 2008. I haven't yet identified the characters and series represented on the cover, or if they are original The cover art is from Bakuretsu Hunters (never seen the series myself but recognised the hat), it contains 80 pages and will cost 1000 yen.
I also previously neglected to mention the release date, which is the coming Sunday (28th December).

Details contents for the calendar is:

  • Bakuretsu Hunter (Jan/Feb)

  • Gatekeepers 21 (March/April

  • Hyper police (May/June)

  • Utakata (July/August)

  • Gigantic Formula (September/October)

  • Kiddy Grade (November/December

Needless to say I will most definitely be picking these up somehow (whether I can afford them or not..), presumably by trawling Yahoo Auctions as usual.

Comiket 75 Gocky Club calendar

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I didn't think Gotoh was releasing anything this Comike, but a sudden update to the Gocky Club site reveals he will be selling a calendar. Other than that, all I know is that it includes at least one image of Ruri.

In other news, it appears that KCO has decided to stop updating the Gotokei fansite, which is a big shame as it was one of my primary sources of information, particularily regarding stuff like Gotoh's work schedule, magazine artwork and under-the-radar stuff like the Gigantic Formula artbook.


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